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Showing posts from October, 2021

It's Happening

 I want to help people. The knowledge I have about HR, careers, and education have served me enough that I can serve others. That is what it's all about. I get referrals from people I know from previous jobs or from family/friends. But lately, people who have seen my posts on social media have reached out to me. People who don't know me from a can of paint. What they do know, however, is they like my content and trust that I know what I am talking about. My passion is brining people in.'s happening. It is a slowly growing thing, I don't want you to think my DMs and emails are flooded (yet). But the beginning of brand establishment has started. All those things that happen when you post consistently. When you be yourself. When you trust God and allow Him to lay out your purpose despite whatever may appear to stand in your way. It's happening.  I started this blog to give a look into my world as a millennial who cares about the way we (humans) make a liv...

Imposter Syndrome

 I was bored with healthcare. To be honest, I don't think I ever really belonged there to begin with. When I decided to transition from healthcare to human resources, I knew that I had to come with my A game. HR is an industry that makes and breaks businesses. No matter how good the product or service, the business isn't right if HR isn't on top of policies and procedures, work culture, employee performance, and so much more. HR is more than just the department you engage with upon hire and exit. They are more than the department you run to when there's tension between you and another staff member. HR is the glue. The mirror. The wishing well. The police. The unsung heroes that save the day, every day.  At first I thought I could just saunter into HR and become part of the tribe, simply because I wanted to. I had a strong and long history of medical credentialing where I reviewed resumes, participated in the onboarding process, hosted orientation, managed provider files...